Has anyone ever told you: “We have the same spirit animal!”? I will never forget when that happened to me. I felt honored that this person I admired said this to me but at the same time, I was somewhat confused. What exactly is a “spirit animal”?

I guess a “spirit animal” could be an animalistic representation of one’s personality, usually made up of a mystical animal which takes on various forms, but also, I think it portrays what that person is striving to be; for example, the lion usually represents “pride”, “majesty”, and “confidence”. The animal my friend was referring to was a type of tiger with a lion head. A tiger with a lion head? Well, I thought, what do tigers and lions both represent? Strength. Pride. Power. Majesty. Patience. Not bad… I’ll take those qualities even though I may not display them always. Clearly, my friend spoke in terms of what he felt we both were always striving to achieve, and I love that concept. 

We project our own thoughts about ourselves all the time, and the more we think about ourselves a certain way, the more we concretize those thoughts into actions of our being. So, all these animal images depict to me various perceptions of these desired characteristics…

For example:A bear embodies vigor and bravery.A whale, beauty and longevity.An eagle, freedom and grace.A fox, swagger and intelligence.An elephant, hope and integrity.A giraffe, uniqueness and gentleness.A dog, loyalty and trust.A tiger, strength and power.

A – el águila (eagle)
B – la ballena (whale)
C – el caballo (horse) / C – el cerdo (pig)
CH – el chihuahua (According to the Royal Spanish Academy, “ch” is no longer officially considered a letter but it is still an important and frequently used sound.)
D – el delfín (dolphin)
E- el elefante (elephant)
F- el flamenco o el flamingo (flamingo)
G – el gato (cat)
H (h is always silent) – el hippótamo (hippopotamus)
I – la iguana (iguana)
J- la jirafa (giraffe)
K – el koala (also, coala is correct)
L – el león (lion)
LL – la llama (llama) Again, according to the Royal Spanish Academy, “ll” is no longer officially considered a letter but it is still an important and frequently used sound.
M – el mapache (racoon)
N – la nutria (nutria)
Ñ – el ñu (wildebeest)
O – el oso (bear)
P – el perro (dog)
Q – el quetzal (quetzal is a neotropical bird)
R – la rata (rat)
S – la serpiente (serpent)
T – el tigre (tiger)
U – la urraca (magpie bird)
V – la vaca (cow)
W – (omitted on purpose)
Y – la yegua (mare)
Z – el zorro (fox)

Suspendisse lorem arcu, varius eu dapibus in, semper id nisl. Praesent sagittis quam non est rutrum, eu tempus dolor sodales. Nunc porttitor tempus rutrum. Aenean at sapien vel massa pellentesque pulvinar eget a erat. Ut ut est sed urna porta malesuada. Pellentesque feugiat nisl nisi, a tincidunt metus faucibus ut. In eu ex eget tortor blandit tincidunt. Pellentesque interdum consectetur augue vestibulum gravida.

When creating the Spanish Phonics (with Animals as examples) – Fonética del Alfabeto (see below), we wanted to have some of these animal qualities shine threw, and we are currently developing more products which inspire and encourage people to strive towards these iconic animalistic characteristics. (See Lion Pride T-Shirt).Now, even though the video focuses on teaching Spanish phonics by using animals as examples, the animals are there as inspirational guides to build confidence and trust for the listener. I hope you enjoy the video below and are inspired to let your spirit animal shine!***Notes about video***
Variations of sounds and animal names are noted in the presentation; so, if a letter has two sounds (like “C” for example) both phonics for that letter are covered (e.g., C as either soft /s/ or hard /k/ sounds).

Also taken into consideration is the variation of animal names depending on culture. For example, both “El Flamenco” or “El Flamingo” are correct but the latter is more common.